Happy New Year! Sounds a bit trite, no? Yes! In any case, I express to you my wish that you learn the truths that will enable you to make this the best year of your life! If you have read my book, The Secret of Life, you will understand that I wish that for you personally, and then for those around you. As I point out in the book, "It is difficult [impossible] to feed others when your own cupboard is bare!" (origin unknown).
I arose this morning at about 5:45 - a little late, but not bad for a Saturday! I then put on something warm, and went and sat in the big chair in my office or study. The sun had not come up yet, so the room was dark for the most part, with only a small amount of light filtering in from my neighbor's porch and from the street. I sat back with my eyes opened (initially), and began to ponder and pray.
Perhaps it is unique to me, but in contemplating Deity I immediately sensed my own unworthiness, and lapsed into the ancient Hawaiian practice ("ho 'oponopono") that Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len describe in their book Zero Limits (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2007). The practice is essentially one of repentance, or asking forgiveness.
One simply begins by expressing sorrow - by saying (to Deity) "I'm sorry." Then one asks forgiveness - "Please forgive me." One then gives thanks by simply saying "Thank you." - followed by "I love you." One can repeat these words or expressions as many times as he or she feels the need or desire to. My own experience (including that of this morning) has been that repeating these phrases brings me to a place or feeling of harmony with the infinite; and it is this harmony which sets the signal for everything that we draw into our lives! To achieve this harmony, therefore, should be our chiefest aim! (Perhaps the only thing of equal importance to our success or happiness is to be clear about what we desire to achieve.)
As an aside, I will here note that when Brigham Young reported having been visited by his predecessor, Joseph Smith (after the departure of the latter from this life), he, Brigham, was counseled to "tell the people to get [or bring themselves into harmony with] the Spirit." I conclude from this that being "in tune with the Spirit" is of the utmost importance. (It is my recollection that Brigham received several such visits from Brother Joseph, and that the message was the same on each occasion! Thus it must have been paramount to our success and happiness!)
While I offer an explanation in my book for why this process might work, I fail to point out that it is, in fact, the process of repentance (as I have noted here). Dr. Vitale has given it as his opinion elsewhere that it isn't necessary to use the words "I'm sorry." "Please forgive me." or "Thank you." but to simply repeat the words "I love you."
I readily agree that it isn't saying the exact words, or saying them in precise order, that matters. What matters are the principles embodied in the words. In other "words," this practice works because it is based on the true or correct principles of repentance, gratitude, and love.
Having said that, however, I believe that expressing sorrow for our unworthiness (specifically, as well as in general), and asking forgiveness (from our Father) are essential steps in purifying ourselves - to wit, purifying our signal, and placing ourselves in tune with (literally), or in direct contact with (by opening the channel to) Infinite Intelligence, or God. Expressing gratitude ("Thank you.") and love ("I love you." - or whatever words you might choose, in either case) simply strengthens our connection to God.
As I point out in the book, some might find this "practice" a bit unorthodox, but I have personally found that it works - and that is all that matters - in my opinion. It is further suggested in Zero Limits that one picture or think of some other person while repeating these words - in order to "heal" that person.
I suggest (in my book) that for those with whom we have - or have had - interaction (or a relationship), it is consistent with our taking responsibility for everything that comes into our lives, for us to personally assume responsibility for whatever has gone on (or is going on) in those relationships or interactions. Thus our asking forgiveness for our part in whatever difficulty there might be (or might have been) is perfectly reasonable or logical - allowing us to heal the relationship by healing ourselves. (It is clearly up to each individual what he or she will personally make of the relationship, of course, but we will find that when we accept full responsibility, the other party will typically reciprocate by acknowledging their own role in creating the difficulty or conflict.)
I also point out (as do Dr. Vitale and Dr. Hew Len) that it might be possible (they state categorically that it is) to "heal" others with whom we have had no connection - simply because as imperfect beings, we have all partaken of (to one degree or another) - and therefore have a share in - the sins of humanity as a whole. Thus by taking responsibility for our part, we in part cleanse the whole. All of this is, of course, made possible by Christ, who took upon himself the sins of all mankind - and literally paid "the price" of those sins, in some unfathomable way. (In his usual alliterary fashion, Elder Neal A. Maxwell described this as "the awful arithmetic of the atonement.")
Ironically, it is our own limited guilt for the sins of mankind as a whole that may allow us (to some degree) to take upon ourselves that burden; while it was Christ's complete and utter lack of guilt or sin that allowed Him to take upon himself the totality of that burden! It is also true that the intense suffering that those sins caused was borne by Him; while our only "suffering" is in acknowledging our own guilt. While this does not normally involve bodily or physical pain, it is nonetheless difficult for us to do.
Interesingly, when we are "in tune" with Infinite Intelligence, and sense or understand our own unworthiness, this is not so difficult. It is only when we are steeped in the self-inflicted pride of ignorance that we find the admission of our guilt - and the forgiveness of others - difficult, if not impossible!
In the end, if we do not repent, and acknowledge our own unworthiness - as well as our part in the sins of (at the very least) those with whom we have associated - then we "must suffer, even as [He has suffered]. Which suffering caused [Himself] even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit - and would that [He] might not drink the bitter cup and shrink" (D&C 19:17-18).
In conclusion, I simply want to report that I have found this "practice" to be both cleansing and purifying. In the New Testament John points out that "Perfect love casteth out fear" (1 John 4:18). Thus, when we ask forgiveness for our part in whatever difficulty we may have had with someone who we perceive has wronged us, we must naturally forgive that person, which will enable us to feel and express love for them as well - ultimately casting out our own fear, and/or dislike of that person. Indeed, when we do this we will often feel a love for all!
We are all aware that Christ asked the Father to forgive his crucifiers as he hung on the cross. While this is rightly considered a great act of magnanimity on his part, it may also reflect his understanding that one must forgive everyone in order that he himself be forgiven (or remain spotless and pure in Christ's case), but also (more importantly) that He - and we - retain our immediate and direct connection to the Father!
The bottom line is that repenting on a daily or on-going basis is essential to retaining our connection to God. The forgiveness (and cleansing) that we seek are only possible because of the atonement of Christ; and expressing our gratitude and love for that greatest of all gifts only strengthens or solidifies that divine connection! This, I believe, is the way we should start every day!
For this knowledge and privelege I am eternally grateful! May you find peace in your life through the daily practice of repentance, as well as forgiveness - both that which you seek, and that which you extend to others; for it is only by both giving and receiving forgiveness that we ourselves are cleansed, and thereby retain our connection to the Father and the divine light of his infinite intelligence. Only by so doing can we find fulfillment, and begin to understand our own divine identity and potential!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Connecting with Infinite Intelligence
Ho 'oponopono,
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Great post. Excellent example-citing Christ's forgiving of those who were crucifying Him. I've often thought that when He said the words, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do", that those were the were words of the Atonement itself, spoken for all of us...they may have been said over the heads of those present physically in that moment in time, but I always considered those words to be directed at every human who ever had, or would, possess a mortal body.
The recognizing of gratitude, I have found in my "wiser" years, has been quite powerful. The last several times I have gone to the temple in fact, I am humbled by the sheer volume (for lack of a better word) of gratitude that I feel when I sit in the Celestial room...I'm not even moved to request anything...just sit in the state of gratitude and give thanks...it's so refreshing....
Great post...
Infinite Intelligence - all you want to know is right here.......
Steve Meyer
Creator of The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript
लेखक डैन ब्राउन स्टीव meyer संत anthonys चर्च पिता mollinger
Infinite Intelligence has an address - and can be intentionally and repeatedly "visited". It will share its unearthly and unimaginable powers with the visitor, and allow them to accomplish things "not of this known earth" -- like my own HolisticDNA Healing. The address is known only to a few people, but Infinite Intelligence has no limit on the number of visitors it will allow -- they must however reach its doorway, as it will not knock on yours. The visit - receiving the "address" -- REQUIRES an EXACT combination/ execution sequence of the following things, listed here in no certain order, but must be executed with exactness for Infinite Intelligence to reveal its location, and then welcome you in......"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" referenced in my website, is actually a 10 page "road map" to "the address / the visit"
-burning desire to receive or achieve something -100% conviction that Infinite Intelligence,( scientific or religious ), 'exists' -100% faith that Infinite Intelligence can be "communicated" with -100% faith that Infinite Intelligence WILL share its power ; grant your request -extremely positive consequences that would result from the "granting" -exact combination of beliefs, faith, description of what you desire, knowledge of what you presently have to reach your "goal", while identifying what is missing that requires the 'help' of Infinite Intelligence, put together in an exact sequence/ order, and with exact amounts of beliefs and faith, so that you can "deliver" the request in a format / language that Infinite Intelligence can understand --
-elevate the frequency of your conscious mind to an exact level, so that it may turn your plan/request over to the subconscious mind in its entirety, and then the subconscious can and will communicate with Infinite Intelligence, than that of the conscious mind
Infinite Intelligence has no limit on the number of visitors it will allow -- they must however reach its doorway, as it will not knock on yours. The visit - receiving the "address" -- REQUIRES an EXACT combination/ execution sequence of the following things, listed here in no certain order, but must be executed with exactness for Infinite Intelligence to reveal its location, and then welcome you in......"The Stairway to Heaven Manuscript" referenced in my website, is actually a 10 page "road map" to "the address / the visit"
-burning desire to receive or achieve something -100% conviction that Infinite Intelligence,( scientific or religious ), 'exists' -100% faith that Infinite Intelligence can be "communicated" with -100% faith that Infinite Intelligence WILL share its power ; grant your request -extremely positive consequences that would result from the "granting" -exact combination of beliefs, faith, description of what you desire, knowledge of what you presently have to reach your "goal", while identifying what is missing that requires the 'help' of Infinite Intelligence, put together in an exact sequence/ order, and with exact amounts of beliefs and faith, so that you can "deliver" the request in a format / language that Infinite Intelligence can understand --
-elevate the frequency of your conscious mind to an exact level, so that it may turn your plan/request over to the subconscious mind in its entirety, and then the subconscious can and will communicate with Infinite Intelligence, have its power grant the "request", which gets instantly sent back to you thru the subconscious -- as the subconscious mind and Infinite Intelligence communicate with each other on the same "frequency", and this "frequency" is different than that of the conscious mind
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